Monday, July 26, 2010

MTM Website

I decided to finally get serious serious about this medication therapy management consulting business. Heading into the weekend I set up a website to direct potential clients to my consulting business. Next step is to have one of my buddies who is a web-designer go in and tweak the site before rolling it out.

I am also picking up some new patients thru My area has virtually no pharmacists providing MTM services to Medicare D patients. I had previously been doing TIPS for GetOutcomes.

Because of the focus on the consulting over the last several days, I haven't put much thought into blog items. I have a piece that I submitted to Drug Topics. If I don't hear from them soon, I will post it here. It could be the article that is too controversial to be published (how's that for a teaser?).


Anonymous said...

Ehh, quit being a sissy and post it anyway. Who says publishing rights gotta be exclusive? Odds are it's two diff. markets anyway. Don't see much static there.

You're a good writer - doubt they'd suffer if you crossposted it to 5 places or more on the 'Net - look at AP and other wire services. They seem to scrape by.

As for the MTM thing - I hope it works out. I have as a rule avoided docs and pharmacies et al for my entire life, but I do see a very important role from pharmacists in just telling an errant, question filled person whether they should see a doc, use something OTC, or suggest better medications.

After all, that's kinda why y'all did all that schooling, right? A monkey can just count pills. A pharmacist should be allowed the role in healthcare that education and a very real market need demands.

Don't know that it will happen...but it used to be the case, and it worked for both provider and consumer.

Anyway, best of luck, and kudos for going above and beyond.

Eric Durbin, RPh said...

I'm giving Drug Topics until this Wednesday to reply before posting it on the blog. No reply = groundbreaking post on Thursday.

The advantage to publication in Drug Topics is that about a kabillion more pharmacists read DT than this blog. I would like my article to reach more pharmacists.

What current blog readers can do to help spread my writings around are to use these new buttons I added after each post where the post can be shared by email, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Pharmacists are known to be workers who don't say much. That's how we got into our current workplace situation. I hope that the forthcoming article will inspire pharmacists to think a little bit outside of the box.