Friday, January 7, 2011

Happiness is a 16 dram bottle away

During the next to last week of the NFL season, Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell was quoted as saying "I think we've become wussies" with regards to the Eagles-Vikings game being rescheduled due to the winter weather that hit the Philadelphia-New York-Boston area.

I thought about his words. He's right. We are a bunch of wussies.

But I'm not thinking in the same terms that he was. I'm looking at it from the pharmacy counter.

I worked the first three weekdays of the new year. Looking at the scripts that have crossed in front of me, Americans really need to suck it up. Somehow the American public has turned from being able to suck it up when faced with adversity to running to a little amber bottle any time adversity shows its face.

I'm not going to touch on narcotics with this post. We all know how narco-happy the United States is.

But based on the volume of other medications that I have checked this week, we've got a serious pill problem going on here. Rather than addressing the issues causing their problems, Americans are running to us to supply them with the means to solve their problems.

Drinking too much alcohol or caffeine? Don't cut back, just take a proton-pump inhibitor or H2-receptor antagonist to fix your problems.

Feeling a little bit nervous or anxious? Take a benzo. You'll feel better. A lot better. Go ahead and mix it with some alcohol and a stomach pill.

Is your life so hectic that you can't wind down in the evening? Don't even think about looking for ways to de-clutter your schedule. Just start taking this pill before bed for a month, oh what the heck let's give you five refills and let's see how you are doing in six months.

And while we're at it, don't worry about trying to lose weight. Let's just try some muscle relaxers to settle down those back muscles that are strained from carrying around an extra eight pounds.

Better living through chemistry....the American way.


Anonymous said...

Coincidentally I was thinking along these lines today when I needed a plumber to replace a shower faucet installed in the 1960s in a fashion as if it'd never need replaced. (Inaccessible in the wall!!) The Yellow Pages of the local phone book yielded ad entries such as '47 years in the business. Fast, friendly, knowledgeable service. Our technicians are drug-free'

I thought...what has this world come to? Advertising employees for services that don't work under the influence?

Anonymous said...

I have also found myself speculating on the lack of common sense in our society. I actually had a middle-aged patient complain that every time he over ate that he got "terrible" indigestion. Therefore, he needed Aciphex. I am sure his grandfather would have stopped overeating. Grandpa's solution was more reasonable, cheaper, and healthier.

pharmacychick said...

this post reminded me of a very specific patient. "mary" lost her husband unexpectedly. She had trouble sleeping so the dr stuck her on Ambien and Alprazolam. ( to help her thru the transition) I remember telling her.."this is habit forming" and her response.."Oh I doubt I'll need it past a few weeks". FIVE years and 60 refills later...I keep wonder how long she thinks " a few weeks" is..
Happy living thru chemistry. Eat like a pig, take LIpitor, Dont like your kids behavior? get Ritalin... Cant deal with your life? Clonazepam rules... you are right.. we are a bunch of wussies.

lovinmyjob said...

I'm with you on this one. No one thinks they should "suffer" these days. I have several chronic pain issues that I deal with. I wanted to continue working and NOT as an impaired pharmacist. My solution was to see a therapist for bio-feedback and stress reduction. Yes, it's one more thing to add to my already busy schedule but it is helping. I also found a therapist that works to get the patient OUT of his office. He doesn't want them to become dependent on him. Unfortunately, in our society the mere mention of psychotherapy to help with pain releive is scoffed at. Why DO something about the issue when there is a pill for it?

Carol said...

A damn men.