The story... Pharmacies team with HHS to promote free preventive care.
When I initially read the article on my smart phone, I read it as pharmacists providing care for free. That had my blood boiling and I wanted to jump all over the thought of free care. But I slept on it and re-read the article this morning.
The article states that there is growing recognition by HHS of the role that pharmacists play in a patient's health care. Personally I'm don't entirely agree with that, but I'll give that comment a pass.
HHS has, in what is called a pharmacist-friendly move, has partnered with pharmacists to.....
Drum roll
"...inform Medicare patients about free preventive services and the closing of the Part D coverage gap under the health care reform law."
Pharmacists get to put up posters and pass out fliers on free preventive services for the Medicare population.
I was hoping to see pharmacists get the opportunity to provide services to the patients (and get reimbursed for said services). But this announcement is underwhelming to say the least.
C'mon APhA. Pharmacists need to be the providers. If we wanted to be the advertising department for HHS, we would have majored in advertising.
laugh out loud funny! And the Commissioned Corps had ceased excepting applications for surplus healthcare workers including ours truly.
APhA..... how to you spell the sound...
Eric, they already have us doing everything for them at HHS. We do DMEPOS and the certain amount of test strips for diabetes per month. Not to mention, we have to hand them some form that prints out every time their benzo or any other drug that isn't covered. When is it going to end? The government is just going to make more and more laws to create more and more government jobs!
I hear you. I think that pharmacists are somewhat underrated even though they've got the skills to provide one of the best services out there.
Do away with them and u have eutopia (mostly). I know, who is goIn to serve my mcdonalds coffee and clean my bathrooms? I live in Dallas thats what the illegals are there for. Peace
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